Outreach Community Project 2017

"David came to give me a hug to thank us for a full day of dance . This is the best gift for this fullfilling project and David's hug makes it a great exchange".   Edgar Zendejas

Outreach Community Project  "Vamos todos a bailar" for the community of California with State Street Ballet.

As part of The James Irvine Foundation’s Exploring Engagement Grant, State Street Ballet is hosting a series of events in different California cities during June and July 2017. The events is held in accessible community spaces and are free to the public. Starting at noon, professional dancers and teachers offer classes in all different styles of dance for the public to try. There is also  free food and activities for the kids. The day culminates in a free performance by State Street Ballet dancers and in some cases by dance groups from the community, as well as with a facilitated bilingual talk back about the performance and the day.

The goal of this project is to engage community members of all ages in the arts, specifically in dance, to promote healthy self-expression, positive self esteem, and to help community members connect in new ways. The event is open to people of all ages. State Street Ballet’s team of fantastic teachers, which includes award-winning choreographer Edgar Zendejas (originally from Mexico) as well as State Street Ballet dancers.  The styles of classes offered will range from Hip Hop to Contemporary to Yoga to Latin Dance, and even a choreography class.

Every hour, professional dance teachers will offer classes in many different styles. As well you get the chance to see State Street Ballet dancers in action, presenting short works from their repertoire. The entire event is free of charge. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Photos by Andre Yew